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Important Mental Skills Fencing Can Teach You
Hugo Salus Hugo Salus

Important Mental Skills Fencing Can Teach You

Fencing is a sport that requires speed, agility, strength, and toughness. However, what many people don't know is that there are other psychological aspects that follow. Some of the attributes that fencers learn from their sport can be transferred to real life and this article will present some of them:

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How Video Games Can Supercharge Your Game
Andy Zhang Andy Zhang

How Video Games Can Supercharge Your Game

Have you ever poured hours into a video game and been told it was a waste of time? Nowadays, video games are played by almost anyone and everyone. They’re commonly seen as mindless and inactive hobbies, yet no one ever talks about the upsides. Recent studies have found promising information about the benefits of video games, and the skills they develop overlap with those important to athletes. Here’s what video games can do for your mind:

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Quick, Easy Ways of Coping With Trash Talkers
Hugo Salus Hugo Salus

Quick, Easy Ways of Coping With Trash Talkers

Every athlete has encountered trash-talking in sports competitions. It forces you to lose focus and get frustrated with yourself and your game. But how does this emotional control work and how do you cope with it?

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5 Mental Steps for a Healthier Recovery from Sport Injuries
Hugo Salus Hugo Salus

5 Mental Steps for a Healthier Recovery from Sport Injuries

Injuries can happen to any athlete and they can make you feel hopeless and downhearted. It often takes time to heal and be back at your full potential which can cause frustration. Here are five ways to have a strong and healthy psychological comeback when confronted with an injury on any scale of severity.

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The Mental and Societal Pressures of Female Athletes
Avery DeMoss Avery DeMoss

The Mental and Societal Pressures of Female Athletes

Why is the discrepancy between the dropout rate of males and female athletes so great? As the mind of a young female athlete develops, sociocultural factors such as eating disorders, lack of funding, and opportunity costs become the focus of the sport itself.

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